we are here to help.
Jan Stokosa listens to amputees of all ages and abilities and encourages them not to settle for less than a well-fitting, comfortable prosthesis. His philosophy and practice are why patients like elite athletes, military veterans, children to retirees from all walks of life, travel across the country to see him.
"You may want to talk about your particular situation to see if there is some improvement possible. You may call and I’ll listen and/or answer any questions you have. I have experience with people of all ages and all levels of activity: from 2 to 94, and from simply wanting to walk to international competitive athletes."
-Jan Stokosa, CP, FAAOP
step-wise refinment
Our emphasis is to first establish the most important aspect in prosthetic fitting - comfort and stability in designing the socket. We then proceed to mobility - walking with ease and efficiency. This is accomplished by having patients walk test several different foot, ankle, knee, hip component elements to determine which provide the most comfortable, energy efficient, dynamic walk. We then proceed to any and all higher level activities to develop the appropriate foot, ankle, knee etc. component elements to maximize performance in your specific activities.
meet the team